What are you playing now?

Finished Resident Evil 3 and now retrying RE 2.

After that I’ll try Metal Gear Rising.

Dying Light 2’s system requirements are insane. Just on normal high settings, there is a delay between moving the mouse or controller and something happening on the screen. Not really playable. Will have to mess around with the settings until it becomes playable.


I want to love these.

Why don’t you? Do you prefer the originals? I like the remakes, especially 2.

I’ve gotten back to Control. Finished the Foundation DLC and am playing the Alan Wake one now. It’s interesting, I like it! Gameplay still has issues but it’s better now that I’m powered up.

It took me a while to get into them. Now I’m actually looking forward to RE4 to hit Gamepass. I’m typically not a fan of zombie games except maybe for Dying Light and Dead Rising.

I did find it easier to get into RE3 than RE2 (Jill helped) but it turns out to have been a good order to play in since it seems that the characters in RE3 visited the police station before the characters in RE2.
Looks like I’ll have to do two playthroughs of RE2 though since it seem like different stories that complement each other.


After trying Diablo IV for a couple of hours, the slightly more realistic “horror” focus unsettles me a little bit. Maybe I just need to push through it to desensitise me a little bit, as the core gameplay loop scratches the old Diablo 2 itch for me.


Diablo IV (on my PC it runs fine but on my PS5 it get insane rubber banding lag - both plugged into same router, but at least I can play it now)
Kingdom Come Deliverance

Final Fantasy 16 NG+
Uncharted 4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The Division 2
Persona 3 Reload


Currently been sinking a lot of time into The Division 2 and its expansion, Warlords of New York.


I finished the first Uncharted and it was pretty good. Looking forward to the next one. The plan is to play an Uncharted game, then something else, then Uncharted again and so forth.

Next up is: Trüberbrook


Uncharted 2 is possibly my fave of the bunch, but UC4 is quite special too!

I’m alternating between:

Tekken 8
Armored Core 6
Fate: Samurai Remnant


84 Hours played on Horizon forbidden west. Finished the main campaign and still have the DLC to play. Going to take a little break from it. It has been a great way to relax in my week of leave ;-). That is around R12 an hour for entertainment, pretty good value for money.

Next up: will give Guardians of the Galaxy a go.


I finished Trüberbrook and it was really bad. It’s pretty but everything else is just below average. Story and puzzle design were especially poor.

Next up:
Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection - 2 Among Thieves


Uncharted 2 is probably the best action adventure game ever made (UC4 is a close second IMO). Enjoy!


Finished my first playthrough of Resident Evil 2.

Now I’ve started Metal Gear Rising. I figured I’ll give this one a try first before attempting Metal Gear Solid.


I finished Uncharted 2 and it was great.

Next up is The Quarry.


I finally got my hands on Dragon’s Dogma 2 and also started playing both Fallout 4 and 76 because of the show.

I’ve also been playing a little bit of Soulframe (pre-alpha testing). I got an invite a few days ago and downloaded it.


Quarry was really good


Finished Metal Gear Rising. Was ok or maybe even better than ok for a 10 year old game. I’m hoping Metal Gear Solid will be better though (less hack-and-slash).

Anybody know where I can download reliable ISOs for PS3 games? I’ve got the games (disc), but I’ve given my PS3 away and I want to try Metal Gear Solid 3 and God of War 2 (before trying the new one). I’ve downloaded the PS3 emulated, but have no games to play on it.

Oh, next up, I’ll try Dying Light 2 again. I still want to do a full playthrough of Alan Wake & Control, but I figured I’ll wait a bit for AW2 DLC to drop before starting that.


An early access game I got a while back and played a little here and there finally released, so I jumped in to give it a good playthrough.

It is such a relaxing game. No combat. Your aim: explore the desolate planet and terraform it. It is just so cool how the desert becomes a paradise as you go along.

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And now with up to 10 player co-op it’s on my radar.

Finally started Dying Light 2, but it was a mission to sort out the performance. Even on low settings, there is a disconnect between when you move the mouse / controller and until something happens on the screen (and that on a RTX 3070). It is better now but still not as responsive as other games.

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