What are you playing now?

Uncharted 2 is probably the best action adventure game ever made (UC4 is a close second IMO). Enjoy!


Finished my first playthrough of Resident Evil 2.

Now I’ve started Metal Gear Rising. I figured I’ll give this one a try first before attempting Metal Gear Solid.


I finished Uncharted 2 and it was great.

Next up is The Quarry.


I finally got my hands on Dragon’s Dogma 2 and also started playing both Fallout 4 and 76 because of the show.

I’ve also been playing a little bit of Soulframe (pre-alpha testing). I got an invite a few days ago and downloaded it.


Quarry was really good


Finished Metal Gear Rising. Was ok or maybe even better than ok for a 10 year old game. I’m hoping Metal Gear Solid will be better though (less hack-and-slash).

Anybody know where I can download reliable ISOs for PS3 games? I’ve got the games (disc), but I’ve given my PS3 away and I want to try Metal Gear Solid 3 and God of War 2 (before trying the new one). I’ve downloaded the PS3 emulated, but have no games to play on it.

Oh, next up, I’ll try Dying Light 2 again. I still want to do a full playthrough of Alan Wake & Control, but I figured I’ll wait a bit for AW2 DLC to drop before starting that.


An early access game I got a while back and played a little here and there finally released, so I jumped in to give it a good playthrough.

It is such a relaxing game. No combat. Your aim: explore the desolate planet and terraform it. It is just so cool how the desert becomes a paradise as you go along.

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And now with up to 10 player co-op it’s on my radar.

Finally started Dying Light 2, but it was a mission to sort out the performance. Even on low settings, there is a disconnect between when you move the mouse / controller and until something happens on the screen (and that on a RTX 3070). It is better now but still not as responsive as other games.

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Is there an Nvidia Reflex option? That will help with responsiveness

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I’ll have a look on Friday when I start up my gaming OS again.

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I finished The Quarry. Just love Supermassive Games games.

Next up is Uncharted 3.

@Viper , I had a similar thing with another game and it only happened when v-sync was on. Don’t know if that will maybe help here.


Thanks, I did turn it off. Eventually something worked because the game was playable over the weekend (eventually). I’ll play a bit more with settings to get the ideal quality / performance ratio.

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Finally got Dying Light 2 to run properly. I did a bunch of things from turning on Hardware acceleration to playing with settings and nothing worked. After doing some investigation, I figured out that DLSS isn’t an available option under the graphics settings (only FSR and the others). So in an attempt to get DLSS to show, I did a clean install of the latest driver (even though I updated my GPU driver just last week) and after I did that… DLSS is still not showing as an option… but now the game runs fine on Ultra quality even without it.
So I guess the clean reinstall of the driver is what did it.


Jumped on the bandwagon, installed New Vegas with a couple performance mods and got right into it. Although I’ll probably not finish, just keeping busy until the 25th and I’ll start a new Fallout 4 run.


Still all in on Helldivers 2. Finally unlocked everything in the game. Still feel that relentless pull, to play. Still fantastic, after 280+ hours. Admirable Admiral reporting for duty :grin:


Stalled a bit on Planet Crafter, at some point when you have trees and insects the terraforming speed slows down to a crawl.

Playing SWTOR again, so many lovely Star Wars story to explore on that game still. It will keep me going until the 14th of May for Diablo 4 season 4.

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Same, I tried playing Fallout 76, but I struggle to get into it, the lag just ruins it and it just doesn’t feel the same as the other Fallout games, no immersion. So I installed Fallout 3, and I am properly stuck in.

Also so funny to see how so many people on my youtube recommended has started playing fallout after they watched the amazon series.


Ya, they broke some sales records or something too. I actually got the GOTY version on sale on Steam, since it was cheaper than buying all the DLC on sale on PS4 (which I have the physical disc).

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Which fallout is recommended, if you want to try one for the first time? Failing that, which is to be avoided at all cost?

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