What are you playing now?

Just started Prey again. Let’s see if third time is the charm. I want to love this game so bad, but it just didn’t grab me.

Titan Quest :slight_smile:

Now that’s a classic.

They just released a new expansion so I thought to replay it again.

How far did you get previously? I loved the game.

The last thing I remember was I had to look for some audio recordings to open a door or something.

I only played the intro last night but I’m not sure when I’ll continue as I’m (hopefully) getting Dead Rising 4 today and Destiny 2 expansion is out as well.

No, only had 2010. got 2011 from a friend for PC, hoping to play this weekend

So, while I am currently playing some Overlord on PC, I thought I’d try some online Forza 7. After trying for about 40 minutes I couldn’t connect to a single race. So I ditched the idea, and on a whim just started FIFA 15 again. 3 hours later I had to drag myself away from the Xbox. I always forget how absolutely addicting FIFA can be.

Playing Overlord for mygame
Cities Skylines - Just an awesome game to get back to every now and then.
Downloaded The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

I finally had a great gaming weekend and played a lot of games:

Xbox One:
Fifa 15

Civilization 6
Big Pharma

Breath of the Wild

PS4 Pro:
Horizon Zero Dawn

I got lost in Zelda again this weekend. Man that game just keeps on getting better. DLC pack 2 is tough as nails though. And i might have rage quit a few times. Other than Zelda, PUBG all the way. One day I will have the chicken dinner

Slowly starting to warm to Zelda. I mean it’s no ACO, but it’s not half bad :wink:

Decided to update Path of Exile on Friday night. Then it was Sunday night.

You don’t deserve it.

Currently playing, or should I say always playing, CS:GO

Overlord - I must continue
PUBG Test Server - playing the new map which is pretty cool, also the test version is waaaay more optimised and runs so much better than the current main version - this bodes well for when the latest patch goes official.

Is it really though? Since each sale you’ll probably pick up at least one or more titles as well as a couple from the occasional humblebundle. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it is… Will tell you if i manage it🤣

Haha okay good luck. I have one too many time killers (CS GO and Dota), to be able to follow you on the completion quest.

Hoping to start overlord tomorrow!

i played some child of eden (one of this months xbox GWG titles) and its a unique, weird, addictive trippy exprience. Never played a game like it before

This weekend I played Firewatch in one sitting. Loved it! The last 5 minutes could have been better, but it made me paranoid! Thanks Secret Santa for that one!

Just installed Beat Cop for something different, and Broforce for when my best friend is coming down. We are going to play the crap out of that game! Again, thank you SS!