What are you playing now?

Congrats bro, you just won the space lotto!


It also removed half the point of playing the game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Playing some Fault, I.E. Paragon that is crowd funded, and boy is the salt real for a freaking Alpha game. Only started playing today lvl 5 account, got told the ENTIRE match through of how terrible I am at the game (no Joke).


You suck!

Jokes aside, that kind of community and behaviour is enough to deter me and to never return.

I’m being sucked back into Nioh 2 and really putting some decent time into considering my availability for games these days.

My side hustle, I’ve started playing some Remnant From The Ashes. Which seems to be going alright but the repetition is starting to bother me.


Remnant: From the Ashes
The Surge 2

Nioh 2

Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Xenoblade Chronicles DE



Forza 7
NFS Heat
Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tetris effect


Children of Morta, very cheap and very under rated. Loving it.


Started playing Diablo II again


Finished Children of Morta. What a beautiful game and ending. I can play through it again on a “plus” mode but I think I won’t. It will spoil memory of the amazing touching story by going through it again.

Initially I really thought I was not going to get through this game but my slow unco-ordinated fingers managed and it was worth it. Took me 21 hours to play through, 21 hours at R90, good deal.


Oh nice, I see it’s on Game Pass so I should check it out.

Got Lord of the Rings online going again. Lots of nostalgia, still a great game.
Bought Starbound, enjoying it, in pieces. The game is hard!

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Finished Wolfenstein Young Blood.
Not a great game compared to the others, but I needed some mindless running around and shooting, so it scratched an itch for me. Glad I didn’t pay money for it. I’m kinda want to go back to the first two games now, but I’ll leave that for later.

Next weekend I’ll play Control’s DLC. Grabbed it this weekend.

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Since landing in peripheral nirvana, I’ve been jumping between flight stick and racing wheel games. My current games are:

Elite Dangerous
Flight Simulator 2020
F1 2019
Project Cars 2

…and then Elite reawakened my hunger for No Man’s Sky. So I fired that up again and started a new game in it.

Edit: I’m also considering buying an XBOX One controller so I can jump onto Ori and the Will of the Wisps. It’s downloaded and ready on XGP, but I don’t have a controller anymore after selling my PS4 months ago.


Life werro, life…

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Wasteland 3
Remnant: From the Ashes
Dragon Age Inquitision

Xenoblade Chronicles

While I am sort of busy with Judgement on PS4 I haven’t switched the PS4 on a while. I’m also kind of hoping for a Judgement PC port announcement at Tokyo Game Show.

Finally tried Titanfall 2 for a couple of hours. In theory it looks like a decent game, with lots of controls and maneuvers and the story seems like it could be good… For some reason I just have no interest in the game. Deleted.

I guess next weekend I’ll try Remnant again, but with kb+mouse.

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@Viper, there are games out there with these moments of brilliance that makes you go wow. Like in Witcher 3 you get the whole baron story and in Bioshock Infinite you get these moments that you’ll just remember for the rest of your life.

Titanfall 2 falls in that category. In the beginning it’s just an interesting shooter with the mech and things but then it becomes more and later it becomes mind blowing.


Started Remnant last night, it will be slow going to get used to the keys.

Looking for a good co op game now tho. Finished Far Cry 5, Borderlands 3. Looking for similar.

So few games have come out with proper co-op that isnt Battle Royale style.

What about Wasteland 3? It’s on Game Pass… hopefully Game Pass PC too and it’s something different.

Remnant is actually at it’s best when played co-op.