What are you reading?

Finished the first Mistborn trilogy (Final Empire, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages).

It was amazing. I’ve realised that I have a thing for mysteries, but don’t necessarily like procedural crime novels and such. It must be a mystery wrapped in something else.

Anyway… it was just brilliant how all the pieces of the story snap into place.

Re-reading Final Empire now with my wife as an audio book while we drive around and it is just as excellent the second time through, even so soon after finishing it the first time.

(Tag: @Saint_Dee, @Sweepslag, and @Wyvern)

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It’s the series that turned into a Brandon Sanderson fanatic!

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Tell me more about the books and where to start, I am looking for good sci fi or fantasy

As mentioned already, his sci-fi books are all very good and each tells a tale of a society gone down the wrong road and is a shadow of what is wrong with our society. Adiamante is a good start, if you like it then his other sci fi books like The Parafaith War and the follow on Ethos effect will be great to read. Also Gravity Dreams looks at the effect of nanotech on society through the parable of an amazing story.

His fantasy books are less like parables although the societal impact of the use of magic and the control of the magic users is very apparent in each of them. He wrote 3 rather big series of many books. Read The Magic of Recluce first, if you like it, and the premise then go to town on the rest of the books in the series (note: you can actually read any of them in any order, each stands alone, some reference things that happen in other books but again, you can read them in any order) There are a staggering 21 of them. Here is the real amazing part of this series: you don’t have to read all of them, any of them in any order are good.

His second major series was the Corean chronicles and it starts with Legacies but they all follow on each other in the normal way. The same goes for the Imager series (another of my favs).

Just a side note on Adiamante. Most sci fi writers write at least one book that makes them a prophet. William Gibson wrote the books about a VR internet LONG before the internet actually existed (Count Zero and Neuromancer). For Modesitt, Adiamante is the one. He wrote this in 1996 and as you will see, the concepts of environmental custodianship, responsibility for actions on a global scale say things that we know as a kind of truth today.

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Thanks I will grab them and give it a try :smiley:

Found this gem in between re-reads of Sanderson’s Cosmere books, House of Blades by Will Wight. Definitely a good time and a cool departure from some of heavier fantasy I normally read.


I’ve literally just finished reading The BFG with my boy.

Now on to James and The Giant Peach.


I’ve read through all the Roald Dahl series with my son, some of them twice, they are great books!


He loves them and we both had a good laugh at times with the Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers.


Bought all 18. Worked out to $1 a book. Now where to start :expressionless:

I don’t want to read them on my PC, I don’t have a kindle or tablet, phones are too small, and the resolution on pi screen is pretty bad, but that might be my best option…

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I am used to reading on the phone by now as well as my kindle fire

I am busy with

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I thought I should just get myself an e-paper display, but with the parts for a pi, it’s over R2.5k

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aka the price of a decent tablet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wish I would have ordered a PineTab

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Good Girl Bad Girl by Michael Robotham.
Quite a lekker crime thriller, haven’t read one in a while. Haven’t reading anything in a while to be fair.

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Apart from the odd article or blog posts, I hardly read, in the traditional sense. Something I want to change this year, which got me thinking. Does it matter what you read? What I mean by that is; should I read books that help you grow in whatever aspect, or read fictional content, or a mix of the two? Does it matter?

What are your thoughts and opinions?

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I’m in the same boat…

I’m thinking day time reading would be personal development, night time and weekends for entertainment.

Easier said than done…

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Read what you love to read.

This resonates with me.

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Read whatever makes you read more. If you read something that causes you to not read anymore, don’t read something like that again.

Personally I hate reading any self help, personal development books. I spend most of my day reading code/design documents/functional requirement documents so much that I cannot stand reading anything that does not give me a break from facts in my own time.


That is me as well, I hate selfhelp motivational books. I will read some biographies, memoirs especially F1 related. For the most part i will read fantasy, scifi, crime, thriller, romance, comedy.

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