What was the last movie that you watched?

Fully agreed. The guy playing Jafar did his best, but I feel like he doesn’t have a menacing enough persona to really sell the part. His voice especially was a let-down; I miss the lovely threatening baritone of the original.

As for Iago… Less said the better. We went from a wise-cracking, scheming megalomaniac little tyrant to an actual parrot. Full-on Polly-want-a-cracker territory. What were they thinking??


I watched H&S with bullshit meter on full and suspended my disbelief.

It’s dumb fun.

I had to completely switch off everything just to kind of enjoy the movie.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters [2019] One of those movies that needs a warning for epileptic causing light flickering every five minutes. In between that, a numbering scheme for the destruction scene currently on display. Its like the Man Of Steel (2013) movie where the latter part of the movie was a tech demo for environmental destruction.

Also, none of her fault, but I kept hoping for Eleven to just end all the monsters and be done with it.

Didnt like the movie at all, 2/10

I watched two Czech movies based on Radovan Krejcir. They made the guy look like a super criminal in the American style. The silliest bit was that they had people with American accents playing South Africans.

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The Lion King, 2019 Remake

Hadn’t watched TLK in IDK how many years. I swear the CGI is so good, I often had to remind myself it’s not a BBC documentary. :smiley:

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So many acronyms! :laughing: you must be in IT!

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Watched the Joker movie and wow its very dark but soo good, Joaquin Phoenix did such a great version of him.


Only just realised that. :laughing:

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John Wick 3. I thought this was the last one… Also, my puppy is so meek…

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Yea, it was such a good movie

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Tried watching Joker - it wasnt for me.
I need to be in the mood for something that deep - movies for me is an escape from reality - so it might have hit to close to home in a weird way. I managed 30mins before switching it off. I prefer mindless fun when I watch something, I should also add I am not a comic book person nor a huge comic book movie fan.

I will try it again at a later date.

I watched the Hobbs and Shaw movie. Was one of those impossible but fun movies.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

I can see why everybody won’t enjoy it (very slow for almost 2 hours), but I absolutely loved it. For me this is probably the best Tarantino movie to date. I really enjoyed the stories of each main character and those last 40 minutes were intense.

Pretty much the same as Hateful Eight. I enjoyed both equally, to be honest.

Christmas Chronicles. It was good. Kurt Russell made a good Santa

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IT Chapter 2. It was actually pretty good.

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I watched this on Friday night.

It was, interesting. :grimacing:


Valerian and the city of a 1000 planets but I only caught the last half of it.