Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

@oltman Where do i change my nationality?!?!?

Not @oltman, but… Pretty sure it pulls it from your Steam profile:

You don’t have a country listed on your Steam profile, so I guess the game just randomly gave you one?

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So now I get to ask @aldyr a question, especially because I need to reinstall everything AC related to (hopefully) get my game running again…

What are the apps/mods you’re running across the top of your screen? Can you post a screenie of your Apps from CM?

Also, I see the Kyalami mod was updated just this Monday evening. Could that have had something to do with why my game kept crashing on Tuesday evening? Old mod conflicting somehow? I thought CM updates mods automatically? Or do I need to do that manually? I think I have seen a “Check for Content Updates” thing somewhere in CM.

I haven’t updated the track on the server nor on my PC and it’s still working for me.

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I’ve since updated my in-game desktops for 1. qualifying 2. racing, 3. replay 4. car setup
But here’s my settings, still figuring out how the ACTV app works.

That leaderboard in the top left is a built-in keyboard shortcut, F9, will cycle through a lot of them, I use the one that shows “Overlay Leaderboard Show difference from first”. That’s the vertical leader board, and you can see where you’re slower than the person you’re chasing. If I remember right, it’s not realtime, so don’t use it as a realtime leaderboard. I think it’s based on full laps only. But i could be wrong.

Also top left was Race Position. Don’t use it because of sidekick app or raceessentials app.
Next to the right of that is the name of the corner, ie. Track Description.
Top center is KS Map, just a map to help with the tracks I don’t know well.
Top the right of center is Performance Delta, nice for qualifying, but not so much for an actual race.

There are some other stuff in the CM screenshot. Here are the links to them: You can install through CM, or just download and extract into the root of your Assetto Corsa install.

Helicorsa, never leave home without my car radar app.
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2020.02.07 - - Copy (3)

Sidekick, a minimalist status of your car, great for less serious driving, or if you just don’t want info overload.
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2020.02.07 - (2)

RaceEssentials, much more information in your HUD, great for racing. It’s end-of-lifed, because the author, moved on to create sidekick. Still a fantastic app, and I tend to race with this, because it has a very easy to understand layout of everything important in a real race.

RSR Live timing, hotlapping app, for rating you against others with the same car and track.
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2020.02.07 - (2)

Lastly, in-game there are 4 default desktops in AC. Ctrl+u cycles between the 4. If you want to see it, move your cursor to the right, to bring up the UI App menu, and at the bottom, you should see 1,2,3,4. I should also say this isn’t the default way the menu looks, CM changes the menu, to show full titles, and not only icons.

Jammer, post turned into a monster. Ignore if you know this stuff already. Maybe others don’t.


Don’t apologize! That’s way more than I expected - thank you so much!

Been using Helicorsa and Sidekick, the others I’ll be adding.

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Yes, helpful monster helping old ladies across the road!

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I need to start using helicorsa. Even in VR it’s really nerve-racking to take your eyes off the road and look around you while approaching a corner.

If you want to go next level, I’ve previously used an app called SIM Dashboard. Turn your phone into a telemetry display. Compatible with most sims.

These are my custom ones I made for AC and F1 using the in-app designer
You can add pretty much any telemetry data that’s available in the base game.


I can’t remember if that’s the same as the one i used. You hook it up via a network port? I installed it on a crappy vodafone tablet, and propped it up below the monitor. I got lazy, and the rev counter didn’t redline as per each car. But it is nice to have exactly the same dash across ALL games.

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I think you install some software on your PC that sends the data to your device, that software does all the port config stuff.
I like the one that just a big 7 segment number showing your gear and the whole screen flashes red at the shift point, minimal and effective if you DGAF and just want to drive like a bat out of hell.

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I used that for a while but have since switched to SimHub as it is more customisable, has abilities to control external devices (like Arduinos) and you simply need a web browser on a device to see the throughput. Really amazing piece of kit and you pay what you want.


The mod is awesome, but this version is amazing! I know its for ACC, but still - LOCAL IS LEKKER!


Spent some quality time with this game, last night and today. Man it’s good.

@Flex has been saying this for a long while…

Maybe we should start thinking about looking at a MEWRL ACC event? :thinking:


It does seem like it has all the tools and setup for competitive racing.

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I have been looking to get ACC for quite some time now. if we start something I might get it then


I bought it during it’s very early days, so paid a fraction of the price. Mostly, because I’m a fan of the work Kunos has done, but not actually being a fan of GT racing at the time. Suffice to say, times have changed, and I’m itching for racing against real people with properly defined rules and regulations, where bad driving isn’t allowed. Finally, there’s a game to begin to rival what iRacing has pioneered: proper driver rated GT racing.


I’ll be honest with you, ACC didn’t pull me in due to only focusing on one racing league, GT3. And while I do enjoy the cars, I felt like it’s a bit much to buy for just one type of car.

Well, 4 hours later, and I am seriously thinking that it is becoming my favourite sim. By focusing on just GT3, there is no other games that makes them feel better. And it is so gorgeous!

So you were right.

While I have only tried online in ACC once, it did feel a lot like iRacing in many ways. Just much easier and cheaper to get into initially. Also the level of skill in my initial race differed wildly between super aliens and complete retards.

I am on the ACC hype train 100%


Easy there tiger, we have a 24 Hour of Le Mans in iRacing to think of before you just drop it for a newer model!

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