Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Good morning everyone.

@Beo Hope everything goes well with your mom.


WTAF is this thing? And more confusingly, what are the physics and motion dynamics at play here that allowed it to become so completely embedded in my tyre?


No idea, if I didnt know better I would say you have been driving our route to the hospital, my brother had to replace all 4 tires due to spikes


That’s a bit very kak!

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Some weird ass caster wheel?

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These kind of questions should be asked here…


That’s exactly what my initial thought was too. But the wheel side of it is pristine. If it is a wheel, it’s never moved before. I’m thinking it might a foot from something like a cabinet or table?


Looks like pretty low mileage rubber too :frowning:


It is sadly. :expressionless:

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I greet you on the Day of Wednes.





I’ve been booked off for the week. Also the reason why I wasn’t active much yesterday. Had really bad vertigo on Monday evening and night. So bad, that I couldn’t control my eyeballs. It’s a scary feeling when your eyeballs just move side to side and you can’t do anything about it. I even tried to stop them with my fingers.

So went to the doctor yesterday and it looks like it may be caused by a virus. Got lots of medicine and will be spending the week in bed. Had two more episodes last night but it’s less scary now once I know all the specifics. I just tilt my head until it stops. Still, I’m woozy and struggle with balance. And get massive headaches. It all started with the headaches.

Have a good week everyone. And my thoughts are with you @Wyvern .

Oh and I’m trying to refund my Elden Ring to get it digitally. Will see what happens.


How did you get yourself to the doctor? Must have been scary trying to drive like that, if you did.

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Luckily we have a doctor in our street. First them that I went to them. Generally I feel woozy but only get the episodes when I tilt my head so I just keep my head in an upright position.


Hope you feel better fast, I hoped they gave you good meds for the nausea that comes with that - my mum got it once and yea its not fun! Hugs @Solitude

Morning people of the palace, it seems the day of rest was just what I needed to feel a bit better. Im still struggling with seeing dad in the hospital, so I just go once a day and then guilty for not staying long. But I just struggle with it. At least he is slowly waking up, there is movement in the legs, not the arms much yet, It just worries me to think of what is going on in his head, and if he is processing anything yet. His eyes are more open now each time we visit.


That’s hectic Soli. May you rest well and feel better soon.


Sounds hectic @Solitude - hope it’s a quick course of treatment and you’re back up and about taking care of the ghoulies in Elden Ring soon. :muscle:

Stay strong @Wyvern. You don’t need to feel guilty about how you’re dealing with things. You do need to prioritise yourself and your own health - you’ll be better able to deal with things going forward. :hugs:


Good morning everyone.


Geez @Solitude , get well soon, man. My own virus is also acting up this week, but nothing as bad as vertigo!

@Wyvern: I agree wholeheartedly with Greg. Your own mental health should be your first priority - you cant pour from an empty cup and all that hippie claptrap.


So last week our company had an in-person conference. The first one in 2 years. People from all over South Africa came together for some workshops and group activities. I coulne make it due to being on daddy duty and workload. And lucky I didn’t, because we got an email today from the CEO addressing the high number of people that tested posivity for Covid after the event. Just goes to show, the world may want to return to normal, but our normal is a whole different new normal.