Today Is... 📆

how could you forget this guy


I’m old and forgetful :older_man:. Now stop that racket and get off my lawn!


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It’s Wednesday, 03 February 2021

(W5/D34/331 rem)

Today is:

:star: Carrot Cake Day :carrot::cake:

What’s the easiest way to get kids (and many adults too!) to eat more vegetables? Why, disguise the vegetables as a delicious, tasty, frosting covered cake of course.

Carrot cake is a lovely creation that evolved out of a Medieval favorite called carrot pudding. Throughout history, when access to sugar was non-existent or very hard to come by, people have used sweet vegetables to make their desserts sweet.

This has been as recently as during World War II. During this difficult time, the government of Britain needed to ration food and luxury items, including sugar. As a result, carrot cake experienced a surge in popularity. During the war, the Ministry of Food in Britain encouraged people to try many different recipes that used carrots as a sweetener. They suggested carrot cakes, carrot puddings, and carrot filled pies!

Carrot cake is considered a tad bit healthier than your average sugary cake. Carrots are full of fiber and packed with health-promoting beta carotene, that promote good vision, especially night vision, and help combat health-damaging free radical activity. It is usually made with less sugar, healthy oils, and sometimes has healthy nuts in it.

If you still need me to explain how to go about celebrating Carrot Cake Day, I worry about you :grinning:. Today, the cake is not a lie! You get to have your cake and eat it too. So long as it’s carrot cake! :carrot::cake: Anyone have a foolproof carrot cake recipe to share?

Have a great day! :+1:


:wave: Good morning! :sun_behind_large_cloud:

It’s Thursday, 04 February 2021


Today is:

:star: World Cancer Day

In the midst of our focus on the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is worth highlighting that there is a need to maintain our awareness of another equally insidious disease that takes over 10 million lives annually - cancer.

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day is led by the Union for International Cancer Control to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008.

This 4 February is #WorldCancerDay. Share your personal commitment to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and the world.

10 million people die each year from cancer. That’s more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. By 2030, experts project cancer deaths to rise to 13 million.

If we don’t act.

What happens when we act?

More than one third of cancer cases can be prevented. Another third can be cured if detected early and treated properly.

By implementing resource-appropriate strategies on prevention, early detection and treatment, we can save up to 3.7 million lives every year.


Today, we know more about cancer than ever before.

Through investing in research and innovation, we have witnessed extraordinary breakthroughs in medicine, diagnostics, and scientific knowledge.

The more we know, the more progress we can make in reducing risk factors, increasing prevention and improving cancer diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and care.


In recent years, the United Nations, the World Health Organization and other UN agencies have recognised the urgent need for a global commitment.

When leaders speak up and take action we give ourselves a chance to make history and to move towards a world without cancer.


Today, more than half (65%) of cancer deaths are happening in the least developed parts of the world. Even if you live in a higher income country, inequities still exist among lower-income, indigenous, immigrant, refugee and rural communities.

Equal access to cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care can save lives.


Through raising the public and political literacy and understanding around cancer, we reduce fear, increase understanding, dispel myths and misconceptions, and change behaviours and attitudes.

Raise awareness, take action, and help fight cancer! :+1:


I’m a Cancer, born in the middle of July, does I count?


:wave: Good morning! :sun_behind_large_cloud:

It’s Friday, 05 February 2021
(W5/D36/329 rem)

Today is :star:World Nutella Day

World Nutella Day was established on this day in 2007 by Sara Rosso, an American blogger and a passionate Nutella lover. In her opinion Nutella deserved a worldwide celebration day, and many of her readers and followers agreed!

They began celebrating Nutella by sharing pictures, ideas, inspirations and recipes on social media. Over the next 8 years word, and Nutella, spread far and wide and World Nutella Day became a global phenomenon.

In 2015, Sara formally transferred World Nutella Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella) to help it live on and grow for years to come.

The official website is packed full of ideas and recipes to help you celebrate the day.

  • Make a recipe with Nutella
  • Strike a pose with Nutella
  • Create some Nutella inspired art
  • Do an original flavor pairing
  • Reveal your first Nutella experience
  • Give or send Nutella to people you love
  • Introduce someone to Nutella for the first time
  • Make a party or a video-party in honor of Nutella
  • Write a song or a poem about Nutella
  • Have a breakfast in bed with Nutella

All of which should be dutifully shared across your social media platforms with the #worldnutelladay hashtag applied.

Have a delicious, choconutty Friday! :+1:


There once was a spread so chocolatey
And the name of spread was Nutella o’ Tea
The knife dug in, her blade scraped toast
Roast, me hazelnuts, roast (huh)

Seriously, though
 I don’t like Nutella. Sorry, y’all! :grin:


Nutella and Peanutbutter :drooling_face:

Now if only I could afford the Nutella.


That was quite possibly the worst limerick I’ve ever read


A spoonfull of nutella in coffee. . . . SO good. Same on icecream

Pity I haven’t had any nutella in months


In the words of my now brother-in-law as he spread Nutella on his sandwiches (back when we were still in High School):

“Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella!”

I may have missed one or two Nutella’s there.


Not sure if sarcastic, so just in case allow me to introduce you to the reason TikTok deserves to be a social network:


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It’s Saturday, 06 February 2021
(W5/D37/328 rem)

:birthday: Today is @wenzdayz’s birthday

Today is also :star: Frozen Yogurt Day

Another food related celebration day today - this time for the delicious, healthy dessert treat froyo.

Whether you call it “froyo” or “frogurt”, frozen yogurt has all the benefits and diversity of flavors that are bestowed upon its more famous predecessor, ice cream. But it is far healthier–without sacrificing any of the yummy taste.

Live active cultures and naturally occurring calcium make frozen yogurt a treat that is great for the tastebuds as well as the body!

Yogurt is a treat that has been around for much longer than most people would guess. It is well over 4000 years old, in fact! Yogurt found its start in the Middle East and India where it was (and continues to be!) used extensively in just about every kind of meal imaginable.

But it wasn’t until the 1900’s that yogurt found its way to the western world and the Americas, and increased in popularity so quickly and thoroughly that it’s no longer thought of as exotic.

By the 1970s, when ice cream was hitting all-time popularity, some bright spark knew they could do better–and then they did. They froze the yogurt in a treat that was similar to ice cream but also uniquely different.

Frozen yogurt sales exploded after TCBY launched its first store in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1981, and by 1986 sales had reached $25 million dollars annually. By 1990, it was 10% of the frozen dessert market, and frozen yogurt was here to stay.

In these socially distant times make your own, or be safe and grab your froyo to go, and have a great Saturday! :+1:


Ah yes, The Country’s Best Yogurt. I remember that place.


Now this is a day I can get behind!


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It’s Sunday, 07 February 2021(W5/D38/327 rem)

Today is :birthday: @DieGrootHammer’s birthday

Today is also :star: Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbour Day👋

Probably the most obscure of the “holidays” I’ve found so far. And it seems that the part of it that is emphasised is the “all your fingers” bit. Presumably the idea is to try and be friendly to your neighbours for a change and rather than the usual one finger :fu: salute you give them, today you try to mend some fences and build up your relationship with a full fingered wave instead :wave:.

So, if you’re someone who has give your neighbour the finger before because they have annoyed you, on this date you can try to wave in a friendly manner instead. Sounds easy enough, right?

Not everyone reading this is going to have enjoyed a pleasant relationship with their neighbour. Especially those of us in urban neighbourhoods where we have many neighbours - to the left, to the right, above and below.

We all have stories about neighbours from hell.* If you feel that your neighbour falls into this category, you may not want to wave at them in a friendly manner. However, taking the high road, even if it is just for one day, can feel better than you may expect. Plus, simply seeing the shock on your neighbour’s face because of your unexpected friendliness can make it worth it.

One thing that we can all agree on is that we could all do with a little bit more kindness in the world, and that is what this day is all about. Enthusiastic greetings and genuine happiness to see another person can make them feel great about themselves and start off their day in the best possible way.

After all, it’s better to be the neighbour that everyone loves, rather than the grump that everyone dislikes! It doesn’t take a lot of effort to be friendly and greet people with a nice wave and a smile.

Have a super Sunday! And, “Hi neighbours” :wave:

* After giving your neighbours the full fingered friendly wave, come back here and tell us about the worst neighbours from hell you’ve had in the past.



I will wait until tomorrow to throw the **** against the fan.


:wave: Good morning! :sun_behind_large_cloud:

It’s Monday, 08 February 2021(W6/D39/326 rem)

Today is :star: Clean Out Your Computer Day
A day we could all benefit from - Clean Out Your Computer Day!

Dust out the fans, clean the cat fur off the air filter screens, clear all the gunge out of your keyboard. And once it’s all sparkly good as new on the outside, spend some time giving your pride and joy a little internal cleanse too. Clean up all the old hard drive clogging files and software junk you no longer use or need too.

When was the last time you cleaned out your fans and dusted off your motherboard?

Have you looked at your graphics card to see if its cooling fan and fins are clean? For that matter, when did you last clean out you even opened the case?

Make sure that your system is powered down and disconnected and then find a good online tutorial to show you the way to get it done safely. All that dust traps heat, and if you aren’t aware, computers really don’t function well under high stress and heat.

Once you have it all cleaned out inside, you’ll want to put it back together and boot it up. Believe us, you’re likely to see an immediate improvement in its performance.

Once that’s done, it’s time to go through and clean out unnecessary files from your computer, a clogged up hard drive can be just as bad as a clogged up fan on your computer, though it won’t as often destroy your computer.

The first part - cleaning your hardware - you’ll need to handle yourself. For the second part - cleaning up the software - you can find a lot of help online. Software that will scour your drives and make suggestions on junk to clear up for you. One of the most frequently recommended tools for that task is CCleaner.

Have a mega Monday! :+1:


I did that last night!


Early bird! I did mine in December, and already it’s starting to get cluttered again. :man_shrugging:t2: